Privacy Policy

Controllers of personal information

 Oumie Cosmetics. Categories of data collected. Only the information you give will be collected. This includes:

Full name


Email and mobile number

Debit/credit card information at the time of a purchase (although these details will not be retained)

 What purpose does Oumie Cosmetics use your personal information for?

To send confirmation emails when a purchase has been made. To keep you up to date with up coming products and offers. To ship products ordered

Does your personal information get shared?

In order to process payments your bank or credit card details will be passed on to your bank/building society.

What information can you access?

You can access all information that you give on this website.

Your name

Email and phone number

Previous orders

Your Rights

You have the right to request access too all information kept about you.

You have the right to request information about you to be removed or destroyed.

You have the right to change any information kept about you via your account.

You have the right to stop receiving promotional emails by deleting your account or by communicating via email to take you off the mailing list.


If you have any question regarding this Privacy Notice please contact on